Tips On Horse Riding Lessons

By Shawn Hunter

Different people have different interests and activities they do during their leisure or in a bid to pass time. If you fall in the category of those who love horses then horse riding will be the best thing for you. Just like you enjoy other outdoor activities or games, horse riding could be that much or even more enjoyable. To add on that, it has no age and time restrictions. Since it is not common as other games are, you will therefore require some horse riding lessons.

However enjoyable it can be, riding brings with it a lot of physical and mental difficulties on its way. To come out of these, it is necessary for you to have self devotion to it as it may take a lifetime to become a good rider. Despite the fact that this game has been existing for so long, few people know about it including the well set rules or guidelines that although challenging, are understood with ease.

To begin with, you need to establish a rapport between you and your horse. This is very important as the horse requires and takes instructions clearly as stated by the rider. This therefore needs you to have a good relationship with the particular horse to facilitate communications. This may be difficult for you as a starter but with time, you will get to be at ease with it. You also have to follow instructions to the later to avoid dangers and enable you to learn easily.

A horse riding gear which comprises of a long trouser or pant, minimal heeled shoe that fits well to stirrup and a comfortably fitting helmet is the priority as it gives you personal safety during the ride which is very key. You should at all cost avoid short pants that leaves some part of your leg in contact with the particular horse as It will rub against it during motion.

What follows once you have ensured your safety is to mount the particular horse. This involves approaching the animal, usually done from the left side also called the near side. You should approach it calmly making it recognize that you are approaching. Climbing of a horse involves putting your left leg firmly in the stirrup and holding the saddle with your hands as you swing your right leg over this horse and make a gentle land on its back.

Create a balance on your horse by looking straight forward and keeping your back and shoulders straight. You should then hold the reins properly like your giving a thumbs up and firmly then prepare for a ride. You start riding by squeezing the horse with your heels and say 'walk' for this horse to start going. Gently, Move up and down in the saddle maintaining the rhythm of the animal.

To change the directions, squeezing in the left leg will turn this horse to the right and squeezing the right will turn it to the left. Shout 'whoa' to make the horse slow down and will stop completely by pulling back the reins.

Last but not least, dismounting this horse involves taking off your feet from the stirrup beginning with the left and swing it above a horse. To make a landing without difficulty, bend your knees. You should consider the above for a perfect riding lesson.

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