Why Military Antennas Play A Big Role Against Terrorism

By Nancy Gardner

The threat of terrorism has shaken the world. Many people fear for their lives, especially those who are living in Syria and Iran. Women, including children, have been raped and killed by notorious members of ISIS, a Salafi jihadi extremist militant group who have held captive at least ten million residents in Iraq and Syria. They also have taken control of the entire oil fields in Syria and Iran. If the threat of terrorism is not immediately stopped, it can cause detrimental effects not only economically, but also socially and politically.

Over 60 countries have joined the US in the battle against terrorism. The coalition led by the US forces has conducted military intervention in Syria and Iraq through airstrikes and heavily armed commandos. Different countries have sent state of the art firearms and tools to the US forces to show their support in battling ISIS. One form of most extremely helpful tools used in war are the different types of military antennas.

They are accurate and dependable devices which are used for intelligence and communication. There are different types of antennas that are used by the military forces for many years. Every type of antenna has a unique purpose and capabilities.

Satellite Communication devices (SATCOM). According to an online source, SATCOM have been used for decades. It acts as the middleman in the realm of communication. It allows a military personnel to contact other people who are miles away. Its frequency can run from 0.3 GHz to 30 GHz. Electromagnetic waves relay and reflect the signals back to earth communicate over long distances. SATCOM types comes in 4 forms, parabolic, horn, helica, and phased array.

Unmanned Vehicle Antenna (UVA). Unmanned vehicles are powered by jet electric engine, which is used to fly the vehicle autonomously. They are mainly used aerial or remote ground surveillance, video transmission, border patrol and tactical support. It is like playing a video game or remote helicopter. The person controlling is on the ground.

Not all countries can afford the combat drones. UVAs cost a lot of money. Only the United States, United Kingdom, Pakistan, and China have purchased combat drones.

Conformal Antenna. This flat radio is tailored to adapt to prescribed shapes. Since it is a type of flat antenna, it is capable of blending into a structure where it is attached. It is used to in aircraft and missiles.

Vehicle Telemetry Antenna. Vehicle telematics system has a wireless transmission and reception that help monitor its surroundings. Aside from monitoring a location, this type of device is also used in testing the missiles, satellites, and aircraft. It also shows the battery of a device where it is incorporated. Missiles, satellites, and aircraft testing use vehicle telemetry antenna.

With the help of these technologies, military forces have a huge chance of winning the war against terrorism. There are other military systems which are not included in this articles. The things mentioned above are the most commonly used antennas. If you want to know more information on this products, you can visit its official website.

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