Safety Tips For Better Gator Hunting

By Daphne Bowen

Nowadays, people can easily take advantage of many activities for leisure purpose. One activity that should be worth one's attention is gator hunting in Louisiana. This activity is worth the try, especially if the person wants to hunt for dangerous animals such as alligators. However, the said activity will be regulated by some rules set by the governing body.

The prey that the hunter will be dealing with is actually extremely dangerous. As a hunter, make sure you understand what dangers you will face upon getting near this wild animal. If one is reckless, you can receive fatalities or injuries. Here are some of the simple safety tips to take into account whenever going for this hunt.

First, learning when to retreat is a given. There is a set distance as to how far you should keep away nowadays. You must maintain a distance of no less than 30 feet whenever you see an alligator. With this distance, you have a leeway for getting away whenever you feel danger. If the distance is getting narrow, then consider backing away. Do it slowly though since that might alarm the said animal.

Reptiles emit a warning signal to their enemies by hissing. That is why you should take the hissing of this alligator as a warning, especially when one is already close to the wild animal. When it hisses, that just means that it feels that its life is in grave danger. For that, you better start backing away slowly.

Especially the female alligators, these are the ones who always protect the nest or the young. If they are in protect mode, they will definitely charge at you immediately, without any warning, if ever you get too close. To not alarm the female gator, you better avoid getting too close to small alligators. Avoid piles, soil, and grasses as well since these can be the nest of the said animal.

This wild animal loves to bask itself under the sun, especially when it is not hunting actively. You can easily determine which alligator is basking under the sun by observing the mouth. If this animal is at the banks of streams or ponds with its mouth open wide, then that is an alligator basking under the heat of the sun.

Bringing of pets for this is not recommended. After all, regardless of how good the pets are for hounding the prey, they will just become the prey to these animals instead. These pets are just of the right size, after all. In case you really need to bring them, then avoid bringing them near the water's edge to keep them safe.

Even if you are not in hunt mode but you have encountered a wild reptile, then you got to think about these precautionary tips. For example, you might be fishing and this reptile took your bait or fish. If that happens, then just cut the line. After that, move to another location. That can definitely save your life.

You still have other safety tips worth remembering whenever you want to hunt this wild reptile. It will be good for you to remember these tips because the reptiles are extremely dangerous. You better keep your guard up during the hunt so that you can stay safe.

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