Ways To Keep Mosquitoes At Bay And Enjoy A Malaria Free Safari

By Florine Meadows

Visiting certain parts of the world puts you at risk of getting malaria. There is nothing more dampening to someone's spirit than getting sick in the middle of a tour. If you are planning a trip to Africa, it is important that you take steps that will prevent you from getting sick. Here are some tips to help you have a malaria free safari.

Visit a local health center near you and ask your doctor for anti-malaria tablets. You should see the doctor a couple of weeks before you travel. Get the correct dosage and ask your doctor how far ahead you should take the drugs before you embark on your trip. Make sure to take your medication according to the schedule given by your doctor. Small children and pregnant women should not take the drugs without consulting their doctor.

Buy mosquito repellents. You can buy the repellents in your home country or in the country of your destination. Use the repellents in the evenings and at night. You can spray the repellents in your room, especially in dark areas and under your bed. If you are using a coil, burn it through the night. Take care to place the coil in an area where it will not set fire to any objects in the room. You can also buy repellents that you can apply to any exposed parts of your body.

Always sleep under a mosquito net at night. If the house you are sleeping in doesn't have a net, buy yourself one from a local trading center. Inspect your net to ensure that there are no holes. It is also advisable to use a net when you are sleeping during the day, as there might be a few mosquitoes around.

Consider the location of the house you will be staying in. Avoid houses that have any stagnant water around them since stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The area surrounding the house should also be well taken care of and not have bushes. It also helps to stay in a house where the windows and any openings have screens that keep mosquitoes and other insects out.

Cover yourself up in the evenings so that minimal parts of your body are exposed. This includes wearing clothes that are log sleeved. Also wear trouser and socks or closed shoes. In addition, avoid dark colors as mosquitoes are attracted to them.

Avoid anything that will attract mosquitoes to you. This includes wearing dark clothes as they attract mosquitoes. Wear clothes with neutral colors. Colognes, after shave products and perfumes tend to attract mosquitoes, so avoid using them when you are in the bush. Also, minimize on your sugar intake as mosquitoes are drawn to people who have a high sugar intake.

Be aware of what symptoms to be on the lookout for. If you notice any of these signs, see a doctor. There is a treatment for the disease. If it the illness is detected early, it is easier to treat than if it is at a more advanced stage.

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