What To Remember When Ballooning

By Shawn Hunter

If you want to have a whole new experience, then consider going for a hot air balloon ride. You have to prepare yourself really well before you go for the ride, though. That way, you can experience the ride better. For you who plans to go Colorado ballooning some time soon, here are some of the basic tips to take into account.

First, you have to prepare your wallet. You might think that this is just one ride but it is actually quite expensive. It will definitely into your budget. You need to pay about 200 dollars to send one person up into the air. You will not be able to find a safe yet cheap alternative to the experience you can get from this.

Weather has an impact on what the flight will be like. You might get a canceled flight at the last minute and all because there was a change in the weather. Changes to the flight schedule will actually depend on the weather so you got to prepare for whatever might happen at the drop of a hat. You may even need to ride at a single moment's notice.

The ones who will be riding with you in a basket are strangers, unless you booked this for a private flight. That can be really costly though. If you are not on a private flight, then prepare to get friendly with the others. You also have to position yourself at the proper spot to see better what you only get to see high up.

Some people might be afraid of getting motion sickness when up in the air. However, that should not be a fear anymore since anyone who is okay with a car ride can go for a balloon ride with no problems. No more need for a sea-sickness treatment then. This basket will hardly sway so sea-sickness is next to impossible.

Steadying yourself during the landing is important. You need to know that the landing is just one part of your adventure. Expect a lot of things for your landing. It can be a smooth landing or you might be harshly jostled around. The basket might even get tipped over. Proper preparations are necessary then.

It is recommended that you dress properly. What you should wear include pants and shorts, avoiding skirts. Skirts, together with kilts, are actually very impractical with this, especially with the probability that it might get chilly up there. You may also want to wear sweater and gloves when you are high up. You have to keep warm for the whole experience.

Prepare your camera. The camera you bring does not have to be a DSLR. You simply have to pick a camera you can point and shot. With DSLR, you might need to worry about dropping your lens when you hit a turbulence and that can be really annoying. Avoid such situations then by bringing a simple camera.

Be prepared to talk to other people. Others who are in the basket with you will most likely be nicer since they are riding this balloon with happy feelings. This ride, for them, is in celebration of something special. It can be for an anniversary, graduation, or birthday. Engage with them in a happy conversation then.

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