Color Meanings Of Traditional Fleur De Lis

By Deana Norton

Stories do last. When they last, they become history. It is the way where you can be able to have the ability to have something worthwhile. Traditional times became a great part of our being because it started out what and who we are now. And, the same applies with little details we tend to disregard these days including simple symbols.

Symbols do have meanings. Admit it or not, you have heard about some of these in your life. This has become a thing where you can understand the basics of something mysterious in life. And, the ones like the symbol fleur de lis New Orleans used even up to this day. It is because it had its own historical background. However, there are even too many of them. Read more about it briefly in as follows.

You see, there are numerous meanings meant for this, but there are only a few known ones. Like how French monarch in the old times valued its symbolism as they believed that the anointing of Clovis as King was given straight from the authority of God. And, the image of such appeared, making it of great meaning to them.

In some like the French monarch, they believed that Clovis was anointed with this symbol, also believed that it came directly from God. Otherwise, some thought that Eve, the partner of Adam, shed tears that turned into lilies. And, Greeks considered it sacred because it served as the flower of Hera, Greek moon goddess. Whatever it is, its colors has meanings too. Find out more in as follows.

White, black, silver and gold. These are the hues that depicts the grandeur of abundance. This is traditionally considered as the colors of different levels of wealth human can possess. Aside from that, in terms of this, its meanings are different. For silver and white, it means peace and sincerity while black is for grief and sadness. And, gold is for extravagant giving and exceptional intellect.

Red and maroon. These two colors can sometimes be mixed up. Do not be confused. Just bear in mind that maroon always appears darker than red. And, the meaning of it emphasizes patience during battle towards victory. On the other hand, red is means warrior, true martyrdom and strength. Both colors define the truism of courage even at war.

Purple and blue. You see, these colors are distinctive in their own ways. Both plays an important role in history, especially with the lotus like symbol, which is called a fleur de lis. The blue one acts as the symbol of real value for truth and loyalty, while purple signifies royalty, justice and majesty. And, both acts as the standpoint of the definition of service and leadership.

Green, the color of nature. Just as much how beautiful nature is, this color became a symbolization of well fulfilled life. Not only does this gives a cool sight to our eyes, but it also represents the basic ingredients of what make a life that is lived worthwhile. It has brought joy, loyalty in love and joy. And, these are the things each individual need.

Therefore, these are only a few things you might have not known about this. Now that you know these things. Share the information with friends. Let them know. Entice their interests in this. You might not know they have something to add on. So, do not delay. Share.

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