All Visitors Love Their Private Tours Of Ethiopia

By Jeannie Chapman

Life these days is so busy, everyone working hard throughout the year. Annual vacations become the highlight of our lives and for some, planning a holiday during the year is what keeps them going. Browsing on the holiday destination sites on the internet, private tours of Ethiopia capture the attention.

Some tours do not include Ethiopian visas (issued on arrival), gratuities, additional sightseeing and transfers they will be able to advise you on everything you need to know before you leave. You can tell them of your ideas and plans and they will talk you through them all. By the time you are ready to take off everything will be in place for a journey of a lifetime.

There is so much to see in this beautiful part of Africa. You may get to visit the Blue Niles Falls, the continent's second largest waterfall and from there go and explore the wonderful market of Bahir Dar. One of the highlights of your tour will be to the Simyen Mountain National Park where you will see the most amazing scenery of Africa.

A private tour planned by your travel agent may be the best option. They know the most popular sites to visit and get feedback from holidaymakers on their return from their trips. They will be able to advise on the do's and don'ts of things like tipping, which areas to avoid and what to expect when you go and explore the Merkato district, the largest market in Africa.

The private guides that accompany guests on their tours are well experienced and have extensive knowledge and a deep passion for the areas in which they work. They meet their guests at the airport and are personally involved in every aspect of their journey from that moment. The success of the trip and the safety of their guests is their utmost priority at all times.

For those who are interested in the cultural, natural and archeological history can focus their holiday on just these areas. For those who enjoy birding, trekking and hiking there are tours specially arranged to cater for these guests. They even have tours for professional photographers, researchers and film makers to capture the beauty and essence of the vast lands of Ethiopia.

Should you be fortunate enough to have the time for an extended holiday, then the 16 day tour may be suggested. There is very little that will be left out on a tour like this. On the first afternoon in Addis Ababa you will likely be taken on a tour of the city. The National Museum will be one of the stops where you will see the bones of the humanoid fossil "Lucy".

There is something for everyone and so much to choose from, private tours of Ethiopia will leave you enriched and fascinated with this country. When you are sitting around with friends and family back home and sharing photographs and stories they too may want to experience a trip to this captivating land. You will be able to give them advice and tips on having their own awesome journey.

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