Fundamentals About Parking Lots By Seatac

By Harriett Crosby

Parking lots by Seatac feature amongst the best parks in the world. The other names for parking lots are car lots or car parks. Parks are clear spaces, which are designed for use to park auto vehicles. These fields are common in some uptown areas, towns, and cities. These reserved spaces occupy big areas of most stadiums, hospitals, museums, mega churches, malls, resorts, and factories.

Parks are paved using various materials like concrete, gravel, and asphalt. Car parks have their unique type of engineering. The engineering dictates that every park should have a proper drainage system to avoid unsafe driving conditions and flooding. The drainage must efficiently collect and channel overflow. The engineers must ensure that car parks do not contaminate the surroundings in any way whatsoever.

Car parks may be of diverse sizes ranging from large to small personal parks with limited space. Large car parks may hold thousands of motor vehicles. Some institutions and buildings have multiple car park areas whereas some share parks. Parking areas near most residences are only designed for residents and separate car parks may or may not be there for visitors. Most businesses normally have designated spaces for their clientele as part of customer care.

Not all the sites are for free. Areas where spaces are scarce motorists have to pay after using up a space. Exits and entries to car parks where motorists pay for space are controlled to ensure that the necessary fee is paid. Payment in such lots is normally automated to cut on expenses in terms of human labor. Features of fee based car parks include traffic spikes, signage, tire spikes, and automated gates.

Most public car parks have some spaces reserved for the disabled. Parking spaces for the handicapped are normally wider than those intended for the non-handicapped. It is illegal for the non-handicapped to park in areas reserved for the handicapped. Only vehicles with handicapped tags are allowed to park in such zones. They zones are usually next to entries of most buildings.

Most car parks are rectangular in shape though the shapes are dictated by the building codes. This explains why some car lots are shaped differently. Car parks can be located at the back, front and even on the sides of the building. The various sections of car parking fields are marked by letters or numbers to assist in locating the area. It is easy to get lost or have trouble trying to locate a vehicle in big parking fields that are not marked.

Parkings and driving lines are indicated clearly using paint and other markers in many car parks. The pattern of parking spaces includes parallel, perpendicular, and angle parking. Parallel parking is uncommon as it needs more space. Some of these areas comprise of combined parking patterns. The fields have speed limit, crosswalks, and stop signposts to ensure orderliness.

Parking lots by Seatac comply with the international standards like proper drainage systems and/or landscaping. They have vegetation inside the areas that provide shade and stop glare from surfaces that are paved. The areas have garbage bins to stop dumping. They have adequate runoff management facilities to deal with water pollution. Their bioretention systems have plants for filtering and absorbing pollutants.

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