Owning A 72 Hour Emergency Kit Can Save Precious Lives

By Harriett Crosby

Nobody can predict when a disaster is going to take place. A crisis usually happens when it is least expected, like an earthquake, a wildfire or flash flood. Owning a 72 hour emergency kit can help the affected person or family survive.

Basically, it is a collection of various supplies that could come in very importantly during a time of trouble. There are moments when the victims have to stay where they are or be on the move to look for a safe place. No matter which of the two instances is involved, having some essentials for survival is crucial as it allows people to stay alive until help is available.

According to experts, it takes at least three days for help to arrive where it matters after a disastrous event, natural or caused by man. Victims should have everything they need in order to get through the ordeal until the rescuers or relief goods show up. Without these vital things, the situation can only end up worse and even cause precious lives to be lost.

That's why it is of utmost importance that everyone should be ready for the worst case scenario. No matter if alone or together with the family, there should be some supplies for survival within easy reach when a catastrophe strikes. The right time to collect all of these things is right now even when there is not a single indicator that something terrible may take place.

There are people who only act when alerted that a calamity is about to strike. It's not unlikely for many in the community to purchase all of their needs at the nearby supermarkets and drugstores, leaving the rest with nothing. Certainly, being prepared for no matter what is about to happen in the near or distant future is a very wise step to take.

Everything necessary should be placed in a duffel bag or backpack that's waterproof so the contents may not be damaged by rain or flood water. Someone who is completing a kit should carefully consider which items are really necessary to prevent clutter. It's a must for the container to be easy to carry around especially if finding a safe place has to be done.

Food products are some of the most important items to place in the bag. It's a good idea to choose those that do not have to be cooked like protein bars, crackers, canned goods and dried fruits. Certainly, bottled water is a must. There should be filters or purifying tablets available to make sure that there's something to drink always.

Medications and medical supplies like bandages and antiseptic wipes or ointments should also be around. Batteries for the flashlight, candles, waterproof matches, a whistle and pocket knife are also must-haves. All of the things to be stashed in the duffel bag or backpack should be carefully considered according to the needs of each and every individual or family.

It's also possible to purchase a complete 72 hour emergency kit online. When shopping, it's important to compare the contents of various selections and pick the one most appropriate to have around. Opting for a kit on the market that's complete and portable can help save lives during a crisis.

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