Skiing In Kashmir Gulmarg Is Guaranteed To Please

By Jeannie Chapman

An amazing vacation is promised for skiing in Kashmir Gulmarg and its glorious slopes of fresh powder. Vacationers will cherish their experiences of rushing down the most vertiginous slopes on the planet. The cozy comforts of the hotels do not compete with sophisticated winter resorts. But, for pure skiing pleasure, the sophisticated venues will suffer in comparison.

Gulmarg is a village in the north Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir situated in the lower Himalaya Pir Panjal range. The village is nestled in a valley at 2,700 meters. In the summer time, the valley turns into meadows of blooms. Fittingly, its name translates to meadow of flowers. It is 35 miles and an hour and half drive from Srinagar, the state capital, weather permitting.

The ski season begins on December 25 and extends to March. The snow is fresh powder and lots of it. It geographic location blesses it with some of the heaviest snowfalls in the Himalaya range. The snow cycle tends to be regular, snowing every seven days for two or three days dropping over a meter of fresh powder during each period. The snow remains fresh for days. Online tour operators are offering a variety of packages. These include heliskiing packages for the more daring. The heli ski experience is more expensive, but worth the price for the thrill seekers. Anyway, it is still cheaper than the cost of deluxe ski resorts in other countries.

The historical roots of this resort go back to 1927, officers in the British army set up a club for skiers. Yet, it has gained international notice only recently. News coverage by CNN and the New York Times has publicized its presence to the broader public.

Experts and novices alike will find slopes suitable to their tastes and abilities. The prepared slopes are better suited for the less advanced. More skilled skiers can test themselves on the 2.5 km Gondola, a groomed piste more suitable for this skill level. The runs accessible from the chairlift are on Mt. Apharwat. The slopes here are at 4000 meters and provide runs up to 1800 meters. There is much more available, if you are adventurous enough to try the heliskiing experience. The service operators are qualified and trustworthy.

The equipment may be rented at reasonable cost. But western travelers may want to bring their personal equipment. The standard available may not be acceptable to some people. The heliski operator rents suitable deep powder skis, but renters should wear their own footgear.

For the less conventional ski experience, maps are available near the daily avalanche bulletin posting. One can exit the primed slopes easily and enter the unprepared slopes. These have a risk potential as there is a risk of avalanches. The nonprofit which publishes the bulletin also teaches classes about this risk. Medical professionals are on hand to provide first aid. The first aid workers have the necessary transportation equipment for emergency conditions.

The diversity of skiing in Kashmir Gulmarg broadens the options available. A study has revealed that even occasional skiers can improve their overall happiness. The most benefit is derived by those able to immerse themselves completely in this past time. A visit to this resort will surely guarantee that.

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