Top And Best Obstacle Course Races

By Eugenia Dickerson

You love racing however you are so fed up of winning all the time. Well, time for you to stretch some muscles because the best obstacle course races were made so that the challenge will make you run for your life, fueled by your adrenaline rush. There are many obstacles that shall be used first like the civilian military combine where you got to lift the barbell for times before passing through.

Who would not want to wade through the mud, right. This is the time where you have to slow your speed or you will fall face down to the mud that will cover you dirty. You have to be fast. However, you must be careful so you will not fall of the mulch that will just slow your progress.

You can also include the backpack that is filled with a ton of these weights. This can stall them for a while. So that the staminas limitation will be tested. If they can go any further bringing with them the weights at the back of their body. This will let them balance their movement as well.

If you have the love for the undead dead series then you can abide by the run for the life law. This is going to be fun especially when the whole area will be filled with screams and frights. Sometimes, you have to give them creeps through zombies so they could move with such speed.

The spartan obstacle can also be included. Wherein you will let someone guard the vicinity where they will hit anyone who attempt to rush past them. However, the object that shall be used in hitting them has to be made out of cotton or soft materials. Or it will leave a bruise on their forehead or wherever part hit.

For a little exciting race, you have to have a pathway that is coated with a viscous substance. This will make the path slimy that will make it way too hard to pass through. All because the people will slide off the path covered in the substance. This, more often than not will stall the challengers.

The net is also going to be challenging especially when the speed and the stamina are tested here. They have to climb the top and then move, having the net as their passage way. This is going to be hard, take that in mind. Come to think of it, if wall climbing is hard, then how much more with net climbing.

The survival race as well is necessary, if you watched some military movies you will see them needing to crawl beneath the barb wires. What is worse about it, is they will plunge into the muddy ground so as not to get hit by the barb wires. That could pretty much cut their skin which is painful.

And lastly, the best obstacle course races will involve the warrior dash. This is the battle of the fittest where the other contenders are the best among the bests. You will be competing with a bunch of these warriors with such speed that you will never saw them dashing forth. With that, then the challenge will perk everything up.

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