Ways To Find Your Car If It Is Parking Near A Crowded Lot

By Harriett Crosby

A few occasions where we are running late and walk out the car hurriedly will not give us the chance to look around. This will be cases where you will lose you car against a crowded place. Learn to remember other landmarks that are surrounding your area. Parking near seatac will give you the right direction on your way back.

As you stroll in the place looking for a spot, locate a sign that you can choose as a landmark. Select the mark that is very distinct. Create your signs in areas that do not have trees or lamps. Use the wall nearby at stick any visuals you can mark.

It is also easier to take an area where it is nearer to the entrance of the store where you are going. Try not to stay near crowds. Most probably if there will be vacant spaces, it will be at the farthest edge of the lot. This will be away from buildings. If you choose to stay there, you will have fewer rivals covering your view.

Pick a row wherein short cars are lined up so you can easily search for your place. Choose the type where huge trucks are not blocking your view. These trucks will only give you a difficulty in locating. Your car will be hidden from their size. However, if you can not find spaces available except that then make that truck your marking.

Look at your surroundings and the place around it. In famous establishments and parks, there are signage and markings to help drivers. It will light up to know the station that you parked. They also put up numbers by rows and markings on the floors. If they are present, write the sign where you are situated. It will give you more time to enjoy where you are going.

Always remember the row where you are. This will help you if there are no signs around. You can just count the rows from where you stand and you can get back. Begin to count the rows from the entrance and back to the vehicle.

Say the marking out loud to yourself if it is not possible for you to write the number. Repeat it several times so you will retain the number in your head. If you are with a friend, ask him to repeat the number. This will remind both of you where you are. This will condition your brain to say the number back to you.

As you begin to walk towards to entry point, determine the things you see around it. If there are furniture or boutiques that you came across, remember them. This picture will help you not to forget the place.

Use your phone and take a photo of the place. Snap a picture of your parked auto and other particular signage. Practice this if you are unfamiliar with the place you are going or this scene is new to you. It would really help if you put something remarkable at the back or front of your car. You can put a sticker or a ribbon to help you remember. Use a creative parking near seatac for easy access.

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