Tips For Negotiating With Marine Repair Shops

By Elizabeth Robinson

Some people have their own boats and proper maintenance is important for keeping them functioning well and longer lasting. This will help in preventing their parts from getting damaged that might result with replacements and repairs. Doing this would save you money because spending on not planned or expected things are less likely.

But no matter what kind of care you have given your boat, a time will come that some parts would get damaged or not function anymore properly. You can visit a marine repair southern California shop and ask their help for problems like this. Although repairing them is possible by yourself if you do have the knowledge and skills for doing these tasks but better have professionals do them.

Immediately inform the shop if you have a tight budget which is fine because they can thing of what action to recommend on you. They would instead suggest that the project will be done in stages and prioritize the important ones. Ask them the cost of similar ones they have worked on and repaired previously.

Have a written estimate before they start to work on your project though remember that this will be an approximation only. The chances for the cost to increase is there because unexpected problems may just pop up during the process later. You could let them ask permission from you first before they proceed on repairing new issues particularly those exceeding the budget.

Ask evidences such as them giving you the damaged parts back or taking a picture of those that only needed a little work on them. This will prevent them from doing repairs on those which do not need it or charge you with something they did not do. Reputable companies prohibit this practice on their mechanics but just make sure with this.

If the given estimates do not look seemingly right to you then inquire from other shops and marine surveyors for second opinion instead. Doing so would enable you in checking which among them are offering the better deal but be careful about extreme differences between their prices. Inquire for their reasons of having a different fee than others.

Once you chose and have an estimate approved, let them have a work order drawn up which contains the basic information about the project. This would include starting date, instructions, forms, assigned mechanic and cost estimates. Make sure an estimated day of when they will complete it is included and copy for assigned mechanic is given.

Determine what payment plan to follow specially on larger projects which usually requires a payment from you before the following stage is continued. Make sure that specific stage is already done before you pay them by verifying it yourself during a visit. Hire a marine surveyor if you are unable to go and do periodic checks on their progress.

Remember that all your request may not be granted when you ask for the above mentioned things here. Although they should show an interest in helping you and when they do not, then look for another one and leave. Customer service is essential for reputable companies.

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