Advice For Training For Kilimanjaro

By Shawn Hunter

Mountaineering is not the easiest thing to do. It takes a good deal of stamina, energy, and endurance. Therefore, adequate preparations are needed. Training for Kilimanjaro will make one to be mentally and physically prepared to ascend the tallest mountain in Africa. This can involve joining a gym or even exercising outdoors. One needs both aerobic and anaerobic exercises so that to achieve the desired fitness level. Getting the body in shape is crucial if one wants to reach the peak of a big mountain.

Two months of training is the minimum recommended. One can decide to train for more months. When two to four weeks are remaining before one starts the adventure, one should take the intensity of exercising to a whole new level. The finishing touches need to be good. It is important not to forget to rest, some few days before starting the journey. Proper night sleep is needed every day so that muscles can be built and stamina reinforced. Eight or more hours of sleep will come in handy. One can decide to exercise hard during the weekdays and take a rest during weekends.

The exact climbing boots and backpack one will use for the adventure need to be used when training. Exercising with such a backpack on one's shoulder will strengthen upper region areas such as shoulders and back, for climbing. Wearing the exact climbing boots gets the feet well prepared. Therefore, when climbing, there will be no blisters. Any sore on the feet area can greatly slow down the adventure. Thus, there is need to harden this part of the body.

Hiking is definitely the type of exercise that will better prepare someone to ascend Mount Kilimanjaro. Mountaineering is simply hiking. Therefore, it will be good if someone can carry out day hikes in nearby hills and mountains. Hiking can also be carried out in any steep trails. For those who do have access to outdoors that can facilitate hiking, the alternative is to join a gym and to subsequently train using stair master machine. This equipment will offer good challenge to the body just like the kind that will be offered by the outdoors.

Running and walking will also offer much needed help. They make the legs to be strong. Climbing is all about using the legs vigorously. Therefore, getting these parts in great shape is needed. A person should walk as much as possible. A simple measure such as using stairs instead of taking a lift, will also help.

High altitude training systems pre-acclimatize climbers with the condition of the mountain. The ability of a climber to adjust quickly to the high altitude matters a lot and will definitely dictate whether someone will be successful or not and the number of days it will take so that to reach the peak. At high altitudes, there are many challenges including the shortage of oxygen. Exercising in high altitudes may help a person to cope well in an oxygen-deprived environment.

To strengthen cardiovascular system, aerobic exercises are required. These are moderate and light exercises such as cycling, jogging, and walking. Intense exercises build stamina for mountaineering.

To properly climb any massive mountain, one needs to be fit. Different kinds of exercises will help to get the body in shape. A fit person will efficiently use oxygen, will not tire quickly, and will have the stamina to push towards the mountain peak.

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